Space Time Continuum100 160cm, 알루미늄에 유화, 금박, 그라인딩 mixed media, 2020
Timeless Splendor33.4 x 24.2cm, oil painting on canvas, 2022
Timeless Splendor100x100cm, Lenticular, 2021(edi. 30, brilliant)
Timeless Splendor116.8 x 80.3cm, oil painting on canvas, 2021
To be,Continued100x100cm, Lenticular, 2021(edi. 30, W)
To be,Continued100x100cm, lenticular, 2021(edi.30)
To be,Continued237-75cm, mixed media, 2021
To Be, Continued _ Chaekgado80x80cm, edi.12, lenticular, 2023
이돈아, To be, continued158x105cm, mixed media (Wood, mother-of-pearl, silk, gold sheet, ornament, acrylic paint on panel), 2023